The Vital Importance of Getting Enough Exercise Every Day

In today's information rich society, you probably are well aware that exercise is the hallmark of a fit and healthy person. Today's sedentary lifestyles can be dangerous and even deadly in some cases, but how much exercise is enough to significantly impact your fitness and health levels? And, if you are just starting out, what can you reasonably do to make a difference? This article examines whether we really do get enough exercise and, if not, what lifestyle changes we can make to address the issue.

With more than 80% of all Americans getting less than the required amount of exercise every year, it is crucial that you know exactly what you need to do to positively impact your overall health and longevity.

One recent study showed that individuals who exercised intensely for 30 minutes per day actually obtained better health benefits than those who performed the same exercises for one hour a day. This is quite surprising at first, but, on closer examination of the facts, it actually makes a lot of sense. These findings seem to support other studies which also claimed that 30 minutes of moderately intense activity or exercise significantly boosts our immune systems, and is the minimum daily requirement for physical fitness. The good news is that sedentary individuals can break that 30 minutes a day down into easier to swallow bite-sized chunks.

In fact, if you are really pressed for time, make sure that you schedule 10 minutes of uninterrupted and moderate to intense exercises just three times a day. Just be sure that if you are starting out from a very inactive lifestyle, stretch first, and do not overdo things. When just starting out, begin by touching your toes, doing deep knee bends, or performing a few jumping jacks and this will be enough to get your heart rate up. Also, the average person can briskly walk at a rate of between 3 and 4 miles per hour, meaning that a quick paced one mile walk can be accomplished in just 15 to 20 minutes.

This is something which is feasible for almost everyone, and can be added to your work and home schedules easily.

But, why is exercise so important? Well, the World Health Organization and other major health institutions have linked a variety of diseases and complaints to poor fitness such as breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, obesity and several heart diseases. All of these are common in people who have a sedentary lifestyle that features sitting as a prominent feature. So remember, "Stand when you can."

If you are getting 30 minutes of medium to intense physical exercise every day, pat yourself on the back. You are doing what is minimally required to live a fit and healthy lifestyle. And if you are not currently getting at least one half hour of exercise a day, it is never too late to start. Get out of your chair and on your feet for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, and you can avoid the many dangers which a sedentary lifestyle delivers.

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